1800 West Fulton St.
Chicago, IL 6061222C. Wood-Aged Beer
Aroma: (11/12)
Has possible dried fruit; figs or prunes, etc..
I do catch a little burboun in the nose.
Appearance: (3/3)
This beer even looks viscous! From the tap,
it poured very thick with little to no head and
was jet black! No lacing.
Flavor: (18/20)
Definite bourbon-alcohol burn up front and at
the very end. Bourbon is furthest up front and
masks the base beer, but is still fantastic.Mouthfeel: (5/5)
Thicker than used motor oil and more of a bite
than it too (can't say I've tasted it, though)!
Big heavy bodied beer. Coats the tongue like
none other.
Overall Impression: (9/10)
A fantastic beer, but you really have to like
bourbon, because it is definitely not masked
in the background; very bourbon forward!
Too much for me, but I can still appreciated
this extremely well-made beer.
TOTAL: 46/50
I really like the Bourbon County Stout too, or just about any any Beer that has been blessed by the bourbons.Happy 2010, Sal